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Science-based aquaculture has driven the growth of the industry globally.


*Please note that product appearance may vary slightly but does not affect the product performance

Easy Targeted Delivery Direct to Pond Bottom!

A tableted mixture of powerful strains selected for their ability to degrade organic material. Each tablet contains approximately 4 billion CFU of spores per gram total of Bacillus subtilis and B. licheniformis spores. These bacteria degrade organic matter, ammonia, and compete against other bacterial species. Tablets can be added to ponds, lakes, golf course lakes, koi ponds, shrimp ponds, fish ponds, and shrimp and fish hatchery tanks where they dissolve and the bacteria germinate and grow.

Before application of  Pro4000X tablets

Ecuador before tablet application

Treated with Pro4000x  The two poles are the same in both photos.


Inquire about smaller quantities today!




Cleaner pond bottoms

Reduced ammonia and nitrite levels

Reduced blue-green algae 

Reduced disease outbreaks due to less stress, cleaner water and  environments and reduced nutrient loads limiting pathogen growth.

Less water exchange needed

Better feed efficiency and healthier shrimp

Reduced vibrio loads in the hatchery, nursery and farm

Increased profits

Proper bioremediation of pond ecosystems

is a critical element of sustainable aquaculture.

Pond ecosystems have large numbers of naturally occurring bacteria in them.  Only recently have we come to understand that we have had no clue as to how complex these ecologies are.  These dynamic populations change and evolve as the pond ecology varies over the course of a production cycle.  They are influenced by all inputs and outputs. These systems encourage the development of bacterial populations that utilize the nutrients that the production model makes available.  This is one reason why Vibrio species thrive.   

Bioremediation, an accurate term for what these types of products actually do,  uses naturally occurring benign bacterial species to control the accumulation of organic matter.  Via the production of enzymes, these bacteria degrade accumulated organic matter which in turn alters the nutrient composition and water chemistry with subsequent impacts.  This can have a wide range of positive impacts. 


Pro4000X soaked in clean pond water and added to the exposed moist pond bottoms.   Note the dramatic difference between treated and untreated areas below.  These experiments were conducted by Jorge Cordoba of Naturisa in Ecuador.


Our team has been working with bioremediation tools for more than three decades with the earliest field trials in farmed catfish going back to the mid-1990's.  We were the first company to patent the use of bacteria for the purpose of improving water quality in ponds containing catfish.


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