Science-based aquaculture has driven the growth of the industry globally.

Health, Yield & Disease Management
For 39 years I have worked with aquaculturists helping them deal with and prevent disease outbreaks via holistic approaches and learn better ways to control some of the variables that affect them and increase their profitability. For the last 39 years I have focused largely on shrimp farming (although I have also worked with barramundi, tilapia, sea bass, and a few others) and have worked with shrimp farms, hatcheries, maturation centers in the United States, Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, Panama, Nicaragua, Belize, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Suriname, Indonesia, Peoples Republic of China, Sri Lanka, Taiwan,Thailand, Malaysia, South Korea, India, Bangladesh, Yemen and Saudi Arabia.
As well I have worked with governments, farming associations, companies developing technology for sale into the aquaculture industry, and many other groups and organizations.
Areas of interest
Disease impact control-through the use of field proven technology and implementation of truly sustainable management practices.
Biosecurity and technical audits of operations at all stages of the process including maturation facilities, hatcheries, nurseries, production ponds (all range of densities, biofloc, RAS), processing plants, waste management and disposal, geared towards improving biosecurity, lessen or eliminate the impact of disease and for the client to make more money.
We have developed and helped companies develop marketing strategies for a variety of products for sale into the international aquaculture community.
Have worked with shrimp from freshwater, brackish water and oceanic water environments. As well I have experience in managing disease risks and stress and general production of salmonids including trout, and many other fish species including catfish, grouper, cobia, tilapia, barramundi and other species.
We helped develop, market and sell some of the first vaccines for commercial fish species in the US and Canada and can teach affected farms with the resources how to manufacture their own vaccines.
Consulting on many aquaculture related topics to investors and investment firms. These range from economic issues that impact production in various countries, to broad industry overviews to specifics about the potential for single cell proteins, algal meals and extracts, immune stimulants to issues regarding domestic and international use of CRISP-R, GMO, genetic improvement and domestication and almost any aquaculture related topic. I have worked with NGOs, VCs, large companies and small, banks, , government organizations, universities, R&D firms, marketing companies, etc.